"The Mark Side" contains explicit language and sensitive story themes.

It is intended for teen and adult audiences.

Viewer discretion is advised!

Get it Right This Time! (The Mark Side Opening Theme)
By Muscape, Kruyo, & Studi01

Listen now!

Coming soon!

The Mark Side episode 2, An In-Tents Trip, is currently



Follow the TMS socials for updates!

Check out the cast & crew section to see all of the amazing people who will be giving their talent to the show!

Watch now!

Released in 2020,

episode 1, Friend Fiction, was created with a time limit, 0 budget, and with everything aside from the voice acting done by one person... while they were still a high schooler!

Episode 2 will feature completed animation with an increased production quality!

The intent behind this is to showcase how far the series has grown since its inception in 2016, while also serving as a proof of concept for what the rest of the show will look like!

We are stoked to show you what's being worked on!




Cast & Crew







What is  The Mark Side?

This section is pretty lengthy! Use the index below if you need to skip around!

Short synopsis:

THE MARK SIDE showcases the chaotic life of MARK REED, a teen with a talent for pushing everyone to their limits!

After years of putting up with his drama, his long-time friends are just about done giving him second chances.

Behind the humor of Mark's goofy antics, however, one thing becomes clear:

life’s not all fun and games...

But... what is  it?

The Mark Side is an indie-animated series aimed at teens and young adults combining both drama and comedy while also exploring  the dark side  of friendship, family, and mental health!

It takes place throughout the late 2010s in central Texas! (It begins in 2017 to be exact!)

The show has a grounded and story driven narrative with its main focus being both the characters' individual developments as well as their ever-changing relationships.

Though, at its heart, it is a comedy about life!

Its episodes have a length of around 22 minutes, give or take.

Currently, the entirety of the production is both lead and animated by just Saveraedae, the creator!

No! what is  it?!

The Mark Side is whole-heartedly a passion project developed by Saveraedae!

The story and characters featured in the show have been constantly worked on and perfected over the years to get them ready for their final debut! Ever since The Mark Side's initial development in 2016, it has been Saveraedae's ultimate goal to one day make it into a full show.

If you have an idea for a cartoon that doesn't give your brain a break after nearly a decade, it may be a sign that you need to make it a reality!

So why indie?

"The Mark Side" has essentially been  an indie project for years.

Switching to first person POV! Hi, it's me, Saveraedae!
(AKA the weirdo that's been writing about themselves in third person this whole time. Who does that? )

Originally created in September of 2015 as a silly FNAF AU for Tumblr— yes, really —It quickly changed its direction and became a completely original project.

In 2016, I announced that The Mark Side would become its own thing! I released countless artwork, animations, and even a few productions related to the characters. I really began to more thoroughly shape the series into what  I  wanted it to be.

In 2020, things got serious!

Well, sort of...

During the production of Friend Fiction, I was in high school.

And had no idea what I was doing.

Despite high-school-me's inexperience and the imperfections Friend Fiction has, what remains true is that I set out to make something. And you know what?  I did it.

Ever since I began developing the show and coined the title "The Mark Side" back in 2016, I knew I was pursuing something deeply important to me, even if it meant I'd have to learn some new stuff along the way.

For years, and still to this day, I have poured my heart into every aspect of development, determined to bring my final vision to life. And I look forward to one day completing The Mark Side's cartoon in its entirety.

Some old stuff from 2015-2017!

So why  is "The Mark Side" indie?

The Mark Side is indie because of how deeply connected I am to it.

To me, it is not just a show, but a part of my identity, and a true labor of love that I have developed and nurtured throughout the years.

I would equate the show as being a child of mine: I want to see it grow, flourish, and succeed. I don't want it to go down the wrong path and end up in the hands of people that don't truly know what it's capable of and are only interested in it for their own personal gain. Not only do I not want it to lose its meaning, I don't want myself to lose it either.

I want to protect its vibe, narrative, characters, and personal themes from being compromised by outside sources that don't fully understand or care what the show really means.

Going the traditional route of pursuing a show's creation is always a gamble.

But at the same time, making a full-length cartoon generally can get pretty costly.

Currently, the funding for everything The Mark Side related comes from Saver's personal funds, small donations from fans, and merchandise sales.

Animated shows released on the internet for free have been around since the internet itself. However, nowadays, independent animation is experiencing a truly remarkable renaissance era. It has been proven by other independent studios such as GLITCH and Spindlehorse that nowadays, doing something like this— to this scale— is  100%  possible.

If you can't get something done right, sometimes you have to do it yourself!

No matter what it takes!

important message:

There's a few different messages I try to convey in The Mark Side, but one in particular I feel really resonates with me heavily, and it's one that not only applies to the show's content, but also the creative journey of the show itself.

Often, the biggest obstacles we face are the ones within ourselves.

Sometimes people's expectations are more than what we can accomplish at the current point in time. And if we don't meet their expectations, they may place doubt upon us, because we aren't doing things  their  way.

Everyone is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another.

Things may get scary and overwhelming, and we may have points where we give up hope and  believe  the others around us, falling back to the point in which we started.

And that's ok. Nobody is perfect.

Amidst the doubt given to us by others, it's important for us to stay committed to what we want in life. We are the only ones who can decide what what we are or aren't capable of.

It's not about what others  think  of our goals, but about truly understanding what  we  want out of our own goals and pursuing them despite the odds.

Mark absolutely  faces constant challenges and criticism from those around him. He has his fair share of flaws and things he needs to learn before he can get to where he wants. Yet, through the ups and downs, he stays determined to fulfill his ultimate goal of proving his worth to others. Mark has his low moments where he thinks all hope is lost, but you know what? He always comes back from it, even if sometimes he dwells on the negative longer than he anticipates.

The same sentiment remains true with my own journey in making The Mark Side. Similar to how Mark encounters obstacles and doubts from those around him, I too face skepticism and challenges while working to bring this project to life. However, like Mark, I will remain committed to fulfilling my goal of bringing The Mark Side to life as a show, and determined to prove the worth of my creation.

No matter what it takes.

I've kept working towards making The Mark Side for nearly a decade.

Why would I stop trying now?

If you have any more questions, check out the FAQ section!

Cast & Crew

Please take a moment to appreciate the extremely talented bunch of people that help shape the show into what it is!



Series creator
executive producer
Lots of other stuff

Main Voice Talent:

Collin Weiler

Voice of Mark


Andre Grandpierre

Voice of Benjamin



Voice of Jonathon



Voice of Kenny



Voice of Leon


josh portillo

Voice of Boss


Katherine Black

Voice of Darcy

Writing team:


Story consultant
Staff writer

Malachi Simpson

Staff writer


Staff writer

Falcon on the Sax

Staff writer


Staff writer

Storyboard artists:



Opening theme Producer
Score Composer

Additional talent:


Opening theme lead singer
Opening theme lyricist


Opening theme singer
Opening theme mix/master


Voice of Alex


Voice of Dominic


Angie Min

Voice of Summer

Falcon On
The sax

Voice of Ava

Dark Mage

Voice of Sammy


Additional Voices

Animation team:


Lead animator
comp artist

Got talent? We want you!

The Mark Side is casually looking for people to assist with different aspects of production! If you have interest in becoming a part of the team, see below!

Please send all inquiries to [email protected] or use the contact form below!


Please read thoroughly to avoid any confusion.

You must be over 18 years of age to apply for any position.

If it is discovered that you've lied about your age, you will be removed from the production.

This is taken very seriously.

This production is not fully paid yet!

It currently consists of 90% volunteer work, other expenses on the project are self-funded by Saveraedae, so any position you are applying for is unpaid for the time being.

All positions will transition from volunteer to paid after episode 2 wraps up production.

Please be aware of this before applying to volunteer your time, and only do so if you really want to.

Work deadlines will be given, but they are very flexible. We will work with your schedule!

Art and animation department work will differ by individual.
The amount of work given to you will be determined by you.

Maintaining communication is crucial!

If you think you will be unable to accomplish work given, let Saveraedae know as soon as possible.

Problems always have solutions, and it's always easier to deal with them sooner rather than later.

Additional time for you will be factored in as needed.

Actors, this production is a long term commitment!

Keep in mind that the show is still in production, and expected to remain in production for a while as it is a series of multple episodes.

Since the team is currently very small, production times on individual episodes will be prolonged.

Ask before posting WIPs.

While this is not a formal NDA, please refrain from leaking any unreleased or in-progress content unless you've received permission. Stating that you provided work does not count as leaking. Absolutely feel free to ask what you can and cannot show, your enthusiasm is appreciated! Remember to keep your files and accounts safe from being wrongfully accessed by others!

Additional content alongside the main series will be produced.

Actors, please be prepared for this!

You may step down from your position if you no longer want to or are unable to provide service any longer.

However, you must provide communication in the form of a statement confirming your decision to leave in order to officially depart from the production. If you don't do so, we will seek further clarification from you directly.

A statement as simple as "I am leaving the production." is enough.
You are not required to provide a reason.

Afterwards, no further questions will be asked and we will respect your decision!




We are not actively seeking new voice talent.

You may submit your demo reel if you'd like to be added to an email list and contacted when future positions open.


Formulate plot outlines, basic concepts, and work to adapt the proposed story into episode format!

Discord required.Ability to work with others in a group setting is crucial.Work typically will be in the form of calls.Most importantly, have an interest in the characters and overall plot of TMS!Require lots of creative skill and thinking outside the box!

Very limited availability, but we are always open to inviting new people to the team!


Bringing the scripts to life and drafting the scenes!

No base requirements.Include examples of your artwork as well as board work if applicable.There will be a lot of the following:Fast paced and toony scenes with a dynamic range of character acting and expression.Slower paced scenes with emphasis on unique composition and dialogue.

Storyboard Pro is preferred for ease of workflow, but not required.


Drafting out the environments the boards call for!

No base requirements.Please include examples of your art that best showcases your scene design work.Skills in perspective and environment design are necessary.You will be working in art programs with layer/folder functions.Work can be done in any program that can export to .PSD.


Taking the layout work and finishing it!

No base requirements.Please include examples of background art you have worked on and any additional artwork you'd like to showcase.Experience working in art programs with layer/folder functions.You will be working in a style that is lineless.Work can be done in any program that can export to .PSD.

Storyboard Pro is preferred for ease of workflow, but not required.


Taking the storyboards and bringing them to life!

No base requirements.Please include examples of your animation work along with various examples of your artwork.You will be working with a framerate of 24FPS.Be confident that you will be able to adapt to the art style of the series. Style guides and turnarounds will be provided.You may be further inquired for additional information.

Rough animation may be done in any program, but Toon Boom Harmony is preferred for ease of importing frames.


Going over rough work with line and color!

Toon Boom Harmony required.Please include examples of your cleanup work as well as any additional animation work you've done.The composite, cutter, and blending nodes are used to animate the character's eyes, so knowledge of using nodes is needed.Make sure you have a way to send / recieve ZIP files.


Contact with what you're interested in contributing to the show and you will hear back shortly!


For business inquires only!
Attach any files as links. (ex: URL, Google Drive)


Wanna explore further than what this site can offer? Take a look here!

The Mark Side Wiki

Learn all about the extensive story, characters, and history of The Mark Side here!It is planned to have most of the information from the wiki hosted on this site at some point, but for now, Fandom is your best bet if you want more of a deep dive!Some information here may be outdated to the current series.


Interactive content! Ask questions to The Mark Side characters and see what their response will be!Hosted mostly on Tumblr, but will also be released in comic dub form on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and Tiktok.The specific events and actions depicted are noncanon to the main series, and should be taken loosely.

Bad Ending: Epilogue

A loosely canon spinoff / continuation of The Mark Side after the events of The Bad Ending.Currently it is not being focused on as heavily as the main series is, but content for it will be released sporadically.Contains demons and lots of angst! Not a part of the main series, as it is less grounded in reality.

Annual The Mark Side October Challenge

Annual art challenge themed around The Mark Side and its characters that has been hosted since 2018!There's lots of art challenges hosted in October, and luckily for you, dear reader, there's a TMS themed one!Prompts are not daily.
Each one typically spans 2 days with 1 make up day each week.
This is just for fun! Do as many as you want or none at all!
Prizes for completing all of the prompts have been offered since 2023!

The thing that doesn't have a logo!

2023's collab:

2022's collab:

A semi-yearly PMV lyric video styled art collab hosted by Saveraedae themed around The Mark Side and its characters!A community effort that pays off in the end!They keep getting bigger and better every year!The next collab is set to begin casting in mid-2024.
It will contain a  very  cool surprise announcement.
No, this next one isn't themed around Luke, I promise.

2019's collab:


Here's some of the characters who will appear in season one!

Select a character to learn more about them!

The Main 4

They're friends... kinda!

This guy

Mark's totally-not replacement!

Mark's family

Mark's mother, father, and little brother!

More People

For characters who have less prominence, or who will appear in the future, see here.

However, spoiler warning!

More characters will be added to the site very soon! Stay tuned!

This giant space will also be gone when more characters make their way here.

Mark Reed
Voiced by Collin Weiler

Markus Samuel Reed, normally just referred to as Mark, is the star of The Mark Side!

...But he probably shouldn't be!

Perceived by others as immature, whiny, selfish, greedy, rude, and manipulative, Mark isn't your typical protagonist! Due to his constant tendency to misunderstand people's feelings and act before he thinks, most assume Mark's only purpose in the world is to ensue chaos! Despite often being judged at face value, he is extremely dedicated, silly, and possesses a childlike spirit!

His dynamic with his long-time best friend Benjamin is complicated to say the least! Despite Ben claiming he wants nothing to do with him anymore, Mark harbors a very obsessive infatuation with him and seems to never leave him alone. Unfortunately for Mark, Ben is now in a relationship with Ash, which only serves to fuel his jealousy and further complicates everything! If Mark had it his way, Ash would be completely out of the picture and things would go back to how they were when they were kids...

Mark's constant crave for attention also extends to his family life, where his 'father,' Samuel, absolutely hates him. Despite frequently enduring physical and mental abuse from him, Mark still holds hope that he'll gain Samuel's approval one day. Little does Mark know, though, Samuel isn't even his real father. At least Mark's relationship with his mother, Darcy serves as a source of positivity to him, as he loves her deeply and finds comfort in her presence.

Despite the odds, Mark is determined to win over the people who want nothing to do with him! But if change doesn't happen soon, it's likely that he'll find himself caught up in something too grave for him to undo...

5 fun facts:

  • He does not  like being called 'Markus.' He much prefers 'Mark!'

  • He loves mustard. Not just on hotdogs, no. He drinks it!

  • His favorite holiday is Halloween.

  • He absolutely hates spicy food.

  • Despite not being a great artist, Mark loves to make little doodles of him and his friends.

Benjamin Washington
Voiced by Andre Grandpierre

The second main character in The Mark Side is Benjamin Washington!

Most usually call him Ben though!

That is, except for Mark, who refuses to stop calling him by his childhood nickname, "Benjy."

Known for his short temper, rude attitude, and strong opinions, Benjamin is almost always seen with a disgruntled expression on his face, and his negative attitude is often directly linked to Mark's antics! But Ben wants Mark out of his life for good this time!

Perhaps in an effort to heal the wounds left by his troubled relationship with his now self proclaimed 'ex-friend,' Benjamin now finds himself romantically involved with Ash, much to Mark's displeasure.

But beyond his initial tough exterior lies a person with serious self-confidence issues. These issues range from his seemingly excessive preoccupation with his physical appearance to his seriously complicated and unstable feelings towards Mark, who he can't seem to get out of his mind despite claiming he wants nothing to do with him. Perhaps deep down, Ben really does want to reconnect...

Unfortunately for Benjamin, his attitude is also fueled by his strained relationship with his father, who isn't supportive of his sexuality and will often make homophobic remarks about him.

Jonathon, Benjamin's fraternal twin brother and main source of emotional support, often finds himself at the receiving end of his brother's extreme frustrations and outbursts. Though Jon often doesn't understand Ben's behavior, he does his best to be there for him when he needs it. Ben really  isn't the best at showing it, but he also genuinely cares about his brother deeply.

Throughout everything though, and despite always being so quick to call out Mark for what he deems manipulative behavior, one fact about seems to be slowly making itself apparent:

Ben seems to know a thing or two about manipulation himself...

5 fun facts:

  • He snores, which is unfortunate for Jon, who shares a room with him.

  • His favorite ice cream flavor is mint.

  • Though he doesn't tell anyone this, he's a furry. Yes, you heard that right.

  • Ben is the younger twin; Jon was born before him.

  • He is absolutely not a morning person.

Jonathon Washington
Voiced by Kruyo

Jonathon Washington, the third main character in The Mark Side, is another one of Mark's ex-friends!

But unlike the others, Jon might actually  still be his friend.

A highly compassionate boy with a deep sense of empathy, Jonathon longs for peace to be restored amongst the toxic dynamics that surround him.

Though, his shy and reserved nature paired with his brother Benjamin's loud and outspoken demeanor usually keep him from truly expressing what he feels, and often leads to him being placed in situations he opposes.

Jonathon is the one in the group who hates Mark the least. He sympathizes with Mark and seems to have more faith in him than Benjamin and Kenny do. However, Jon doesn't outwardly show it much in fear of being rejected by his brother. He often wonders if things between them all will ever go back to how they were when they were kids...

Despite his generally optimistic outlook nowadays, Jonathon struggles with his own problems. He once found himself overwhelmed with the complexities of life and self-harmed as a way to cope with his feelings.

While Jon is in a better place now, he still feels uneasy at times due to his dad's homophobia and his brother's tendency to force his opinions on him... Which often cause him to feel uncomfortable and isolated.

But luckily for Jon, he finds great comfort in his relationship with his best friend-turned-boyfriend, Kenny. Together, they offer each other support, and help each other navigate whatever challenges life throws their way. If the two never met, there's no telling where they'd both be right now.

Jonathon and Kenny's relationship is certainly  a stark contrast to the chaos surrounding Mark and Benjamin!

5 fun facts:

  • Jon was the first to confess his feelings to Kenny.

  • He doesn't tend to wear short sleeves, and usually chooses to wear the same hoodie.

  • Out of the four, Jon is the tallest, standing at 187.96 cm (6 ft 2 in.)

  • He strongly dislikes being in large crowds.

  • He does not like cheesecake.

Kenny Peterson
Voice by XephThePanda

Kenny Peterson is the fourth main character in The Mark Side and Mark's third ex-friend!

But despite not liking Mark, it seems Kenny has an open mind!

Simple and good-natured with a keen sense of humor, Kenny does his best to stay positive throughout every hardship he may have!

Kenny tries to avoid drama as much as possible, even when Benjamin does his best to try and sway his opinion against Mark. Although he has his own personal grievances with Mark, Kenny tries to remain somewhat neutral, just wanting things to go back to normal.

This is also partly due to Jonathon, Kenny's best friend and now boyfriend, who favors forgiving Mark. Kenny and Jonathon are just as close as, if not closer than, Mark and Ben once were, with one typically not being seen without the other for very long. The two have an immense amount of care for each other and would do anything to make sure the other is safe.

On the home side of things, Kenny is slowly but surely adjusting to living life with his step-father, step-sister, and mother, who remarried after his father died. It had taken a while for Kenny to adjust to everything that was going on, but luckily, he had learned to accept everything and enjoy life more, thanks to Jonathon.

While typically easygoing, Kenny has a tendency to be very passionate about what he believes in, and isn't afraid to take a stand against anything that threatens life, or those he loves...

Needless to say, Mark's incident with Leon did not help with Kenny's view of him.

5 fun facts:

  • He loves chocolate!

  • He's the shortest in the group, standing at 162.56 cm (5 ft 4 in.) Mark likes to tease him for this.

  • His mom can tend to be a bit overprotective over him at times, much to his annoyance, but she means well.

  • Despite knowing Mark since third grade, Kenny hasn't known him as long as Ben and Jon have, who met Mark 4 years prior.

Ash Powyrs
Voiced by Jaden

New to the friend group and highly disliked by Mark is Ash Powyrs!

With a natural tendency to resolve conflicts, Ash often finds himself acting as the peacemaker between Mark and Benjamin. His patience appears to know no bounds as he remains dedicated to repairing the broken relationship between the two.

This effort is much to the dismay of Benjamin.Who is ironically, Ash's boyfriend.

After meeting Benjamin over the summer, the two's newfound companionship has brought Ash lots of happiness. However, now that Mark is back in the picture, Ash is starting to see a different side of Benjamin, one that is significantly more aggressive... Though Ash attempts to talk with his partner about it, he doesn't seem to listen, and refuses to reveal what's truly bothering him.

Ash's drive to understand others often comes at a personal cost, as he more than often puts himself in uncomfortable situations with people who don't like him. Even Mark, who absolutely despises him. But Ash tries regardless, hoping that one day Mark will see that he is not a threat to him. Ash genuinely wants to get to know Mark better, believing there may be a deeper meaning to his odd behavior...

Ash's recent move from Edicrest, Colorado to Ohwell, Texas has proven to be quite challenging, considering the group he's now involved with, but he takes each day as it comes.

Despite all of this, Ash continues to remain the same kind and empathetic person he's always been. But he's usually left unhappy as he attempts to please everyone.

5 fun facts:

  • He only knew Ben for less than 2 months before they started dating. (Ben confessed)

  • Even if it doesn't seem like it, he does have a breaking point.

  • He always wears his scarf, no matter what. Nobody knows why.

  • He likes reading, and his favorite genre is romance.

  • His favorite fruit is strawberries.

Darcy Reed
Voiced by Katherine Black

Darcy Reed is Mark and Leon's mother!

Darcy is incredibly kindhearted! Always patient and supportive, she does whatever she can to care for her family.

However, her naivety and reluctance to say "no" are truly her biggest faults.

Unfortunately, Darcy's approach to parenting Mark isn't working out for her, as it seems her constant coddling throughout the years has made it difficult for him to handle disappointment and rejection. His entitlement, fueled by Darcy's desire to see him happy, often leads Mark to take advantage of her kind nature to quickly get what he wants. Though, deep down, Mark truly does care about his mother and sees her as one of the best things in his life.

While Darcy loves Mark deeply, there are times where she struggles with guilt over something nobody but her and her husband Samuel know about... he isn't his real father. She knows Samuel can be abusive towards Mark as a result of this, so in addition to the guilt, her behavior towards Mark is also heavily influenced by her desire to make up for the way Samuel treats him. Though she knows about some of what Mark endures, she isn't aware of the full extent.

Darcy's relationship with Samuel is complex. She loves him deeply, as he helped her through one of the darkest times of her life, but unfortunately, she knows he wants absolutely nothing to do with raising Mark. Despite knowing how much he hates her son, Darcy still holds onto their relationship, as the two have been together for 19 years and married for 13. Their long history paired with the support he's provided in her lowest moments really make it difficult for her to let go, even when it's clear that his actions and behavior are a detriment to Mark.

But throughout everything, Darcy still holds onto hope that Samuel's attitude towards Mark will change one day... even if doing so seems to be causing more harm than good.

5 fun facts:

  • She's been with Samuel since she was 16.

  • She has a twin sister, who lives back in her hometown. (Luckland, Texas)

  • She loves blueberry pie.

  • Her favorite season is spring.

  • She makes Mark and Leon lunch to bring to school each day, and usually includes a sweet note for them.

Samuel Reed (Boss)
voiced by Josh Portillo

Samuel Reed is the father of Mark and Leon!

Well uh, it's complicated.

Samuel is actually not Mark's biological father, he is his step-father. However, Mark has never been made aware of this, and it doesn't look like he's going to know of this fact anytime soon.

Samuel absolutely hates Mark, and does whatever he can to make sure he knows this.

Samuel deeply resents Mark, which results in him subjecting the boy to verbal, mental, and even physical abuse. He criticizes, belittles, and nitpicks every aspect of Mark's life, which he truly believes he is justified in doing. He shows no signs of ever ending his bitter projection of anger towards Mark.

In a stark contrast however, he treats Leon the exact opposite, and genuinely shows fatherly care and love towards him. This is heartbreaking for Mark, and it's a big contributing factor as to why he'd once hated Leon. However, what Samuel doesn't know about Leon is that he's the only one that's fully aware of what he does to Mark. But of course, being so young, there's nothing Leon can do about it.

Samuel's relationship with his wife of thirteen years, Darcy, is complicated. While his harsh treatment towards Mark has strained their bond, he still deeply cares about Darcy and will do whatever he can to protect her. Despite their frequent disagreements on how to parent Mark, their love for each other remains strong.

He also happens to be the owner of a well known restaurant in town, The Ohwell Eatery. As such, many people in town know about him and his family, though none suspect anything out of the ordinary regarding their home life...

Unfortunately, over the years, it seems nobody around them has noticed just how badly he treats Mark, or showed any signs of wanting to intervene. But Samuel isn't even worried about the possibility of getting caught, and even directly tells Mark:

He knows he'd never tell anyone, and even if he did, they wouldn't care.

5 fun facts:

  • He's great at cooking!

  • He has two older brothers, one of which took the role as his caregiver and raised him as a kid. Samuel is nothing like him.

  • Sometimes, just for fun, he'll set Mark off or scare him on purpose just to get him to react.

  • Just like Darcy, his hometown is Luckland, Texas.

  • He keeps track of Mark's browsing history.

Leon Reed
Voiced by Dark Mage

Leon Reed is Mark's little brother!

...And he nearly died once because of him!

Though Mark once had some obvious tension with Leon, the two's relationship has thankfully taken a turn for the better! Unfortunately, Leon had to get shoved in front of a car for that to happen though. Luckily, he just narrowly avoided his near-death experience!

Although he's only six years old, Leon is very perceptive, friendly, and empathetic. Considered to be a very gifted child, he even at times appears to be smarter than Mark! He gets straight A's, and is considered the best student in his whole grade. This causes a lot of his peers to disregard him as a know-it-all. Despite his friendly nature, he can get a bit judgmental at times and likes defending topics he feels passionate about. But since he's so young, adults typically don't take him that seriously.

Leon has a close relationship with his father, Samuel, who is very supportive and present in his life. Despite Samuel always doing what he can to make sure Leon feels valued and loved, Leon can't help but notice that he never does the same for Mark. He feels guilty sometimes, not understanding why his father is so loving to him, yet so cruel to his brother. Ultimately though, Leon feels powerless to intervene.

Leon and his mother Darcy are close, but more often than not, she will attempt to baby him like she does with Mark, which Leon doesn't like that much. While he does appreciate her love and affection, he'd much rather be treated like an older kid. Regardless, Leon is grateful for the positive relationship they share and loves to spend time with her.

While he knows his family is nowhere close to perfect, Leon does his best to show his love for them the best he can!

5 fun facts:

  • He has a pet cat who he oh-so-creatively named Cat. ...We don't know what he was thinking either.

  • His best friend is Sammy, who is the son of two employees at his dad's restaurant.

  • He absolutely loves waffles!

  • All of his close friends are two years older than him.

  • Leon and Mark frequently play videogames together! Leon often just lets him win since Mark gets overly upset when he loses.


Currently five episodes have been announced.
However, even more are currently in development!
Stay tuned to witness the story unfold!


Friend Fiction



release date:

June 27, 2020


Collin Weiler as Mark

Andrew Richards as Benjamin

Kruyo as Jonathon

XephThePanda as Kenny

Jaden as Ash

DarkMage as Leon


After years of selfish behavior and a near-tragic incident, Mark's friends distance themselves from him. He soon returns, only to find someone new in his place, and struggles to choose between giving back into jealousy or proving he deserves a second chance.


An In-Tents Trip




release date:

Sooner or later


Collin Weiler as Mark

Andre Grandpierre as Benjamin

Kruyo as Jonathon

XephThePanda as Kenny

Jaden as Ash


Mark joins his friends on their camping trip, but tension rises when he learns Ash will be there too. As Mark's lack of social etiquette and unfamiliarity with camping becomes very apparent, his strained relationship with Benjamin continues to worsen.


Long Story Cut Short



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After the disastrous camping trip, Benjamin is criticized by his father about the events and forced to get a haircut against his will. Meanwhile, Jonathon's relationship with Kenny is at stake unless reveals to everyone something he's been hiding for a long time.


Admit two




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Love's not fair




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Got questions? Well you're in luck! This is an FAQ page!

Below is a list of questions that you may have about TMS or its production!

CSS Accordion

It's hard to apply a proper rating for The Mark Side since its an indie web production.

While it will not show any explicit content on screen, there are quite the plethora of mature scenarios and concepts presented in the series.

Mental illness, self harm, child abuse, suicide, murder, and rape, just to name a few, are some of the topics TMS will at some point touch upon.

You'll have to wait and see how they will officially be portrayed to fully judge your own personal opinion on that matter!

The intention is to portray this stuff as best as possible, but as long as you are able to understand and view fictional media with this subject matter with a sound and nuanced mindset, you are in the target demographic.

The only thing "explicit" about TMS is the incredibly frequent swearing and super casual use of the word "fuck." (The main characters ARE angsty teenagers after all.)

TLDR: Not for young kids, but not only for adults.

The series is meant to show different perspectives of the same story and whilst the characters themselves may seem to be oblivious within the narrative, the audience is meant to pick up on the reasons as to why something is the way it is and connect the dots.

While TMS does not technically have a central antagonist, the reasoning behind this is to show that even if you think you're the the hero of your own story, in someone else's eyes you can very well be perceived as the villain, since there are always different perspectives to a scenario.

The true villain is life itself!

People are people and everyone's living their own lives. With TMS, it's intending to break away a bit from the traditional way of storytelling where there is a clearly assigned 'hero' and 'villain.'

"The Mark Side" (the show) is a cartoon adaptation of a story that Saveraedae has been developing publicly since 2015.

Originally starting off as an AU of Five Nights at Freddy's before becoming its own original story in 2016, The Mark Side has been through a lot of changes in its lifespan.

While the main plot details of the story that will be portrayed in the show are readily out there in the open, they will be more accurately elaborated on and slightly altered in the show itself.

If one doesn't wish to spoil themselves, that's totally fine!

Equate it to a manga vs anime scenario; Some prefer to watch as they go, while others may want to know what happens right away without having to wait.

Currently, there is one artist working on the series.

Saveraedae writes, directs, produces, storyboards, animates, and manages the production of everything. (hi that's me!)

If the series ever shows monetary success, we will hire on more people to help get things done faster.

This stuff ain't cheap.

If you're interested in helping out as a volunteer however, please see here.

But for the time being, the team is super small! Who knows what the future holds though?

No it is not.

But the show is set in and heavily based off of a real area in central Texas.

Bell County to be specific!

Ohwell, if it was real, would be placed somewhere near Killeen, Belton, and Salado, Texas.

C'mon dude! You don't need to ask!

Of course you can!

TMS has been around for years, there's plenty of people who've made fan content in the past.

There is no actual way for creators to regulate how fans create works based off of their media.

The internet will internet. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

As long as you are respectful to the show's values, other people, and the cast & crew, we support and encourage your creations!

Have fun and be creative!